
HomeUpdatesInfo | White County Probe Fair

Info | White County Probe Fair

Attention College Exhibitors: If you are scheduled to attend the White County Fair this week, please take note of the following:

Time:  9:45 am to 11:15 am. Seniors will come down at the beginning and the juniors come for the second half.

Parking:  College reps will be able to park right in front of the Annex Gym (this is located on the right side of the high school) so it’ll be easier to manage their stuff.  We’ll have a sign set out for PROBE Fair parking for those new to us.

Setup:  We will have tables with table cards already set for the colleges, they will be in Alpha order.  

Breakfast:  We are planning on having breakfast so college reps are encouraged to arrive by 9 am so they can eat before the students are released.

Current plan:  chicken biscuit (from one of our local places), coffee & water

Questions? Contact Jerome at 706-219-4901

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